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3 in1 Diamond Dermabrasion beauty machine AW-07

Update: 2014/4/22      View:
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Detailed Description

Diamond dermabrasion instrument is the mainstream beauty products, new technology is a new wave of beauty, it appears to radiate beauty, a new vitality, it has gradually become a living quality and taste to enhance the performance ... it through a The product of the laser laser light tubes attract Diamond Head with deep, so that damage cellular automata from aging, damaged skin cells so that is no longer attached to the surface, and absorption through the skin to stimulate the growth of layers of oxygen and promote blood circulation, accelerate skin Tissue development, and promote collagen production and elastin production, combined with proper skin care program, the skin becomes soft and delicate, fresh and natural, flexible glossy, full of vitality, give you more beautiful ... beautiful ...

Diamond dermabrasion Beauty Instrument is now following the acid peels, laser

skin after safest and most gentle and most popular skin surgery.

The past, microdermabrasion technology, the role of the suburbs to the dermis layer of

conflict, this is a medical field, along with the rapid development of science and technology, calls the skin are cosmetic surgery is the role of the epidermis, its technology has reached the safe, no side effects, Simple, easily controlled effect. At the same time, a fine, accurately eliminate the necrotic epidermis skin cells, accelerate the metabolism of the skin surface, so that the new skin speed up the metabolism, so its very broad application, the process calls the skin does not produce the traditional calls the skin red, swollen , thorns, heat, pain feeling.

At what level, regardless of age, the United States has been a dream of a woman, and no one wants to have a beautiful face, beautiful body, and no one wants to be able to arouse the envy of the attention, however, a number of troubles plaguing men and women each, Skin spots, fine lines show rough, acne, acne occurs, and even left pock uneven dents, these phenomena tend to affect the individual's appearance, we all hope to improve their

appearance through a variety of ways to protect Beautiful face.


1. Diamond dermabrasion instrument instrument comparison with other skin

In order to improve appearance, eliminate pock and restore youth, dermatology or plastic surgeons often use chemical abstract peels, dermabrasion or laser surgery surgery to achieve the goal, but the technique is the use of chemical peels chemical peels and break the skin, the depth Difficult to control, and sometimes a lack of experience because the physician side effects; and laser resurfacing surgery often produce easily understood because of the additional thermal effects of skin redness, darkening or recovery of the side effects of conventional mechanical dermabrasion surgery rapid rotation of the metal or diamond dermabrasion Bit to rub off the skin, patients must be anesthetized during surgery, and the situation is more serious pain and bleeding. As a longer recovery period ... ...

Past the traditional microdermabrasion machine or cosmetic methods have many drawbacks, leading many patients in treatment less than ideal results, and now the company introduced the diamond miniature beauty instrument, and with the use of diamond miniature vacuum suction control suction strength Will be worn shallow layer of the epidermis, is a kind of non-invasive, physical shallow dermabrasion. Diamond dermabrasion Beauty Instrument used to improve skin pigmentation disorder, shallow pock youth, age spots, rough skin aging after sun exposure and facial lines, can also promote skin renewal, presented immediately after surgery with smooth skin Touch ... ...

After making the diamond dermabrasion, and then do import or use of ultrasound whitening whitening agents, with the ice, the effect will be even better, it will reach your beautiful wishes!


2. Cosmetic procedures

Diamond dermabrasion (dermabrasion scrub); time 5-10 minutes

Using miniature tube top inlaid with diamonds of different coarseness of the diamond particles to increase the friction by the way, look at the cumulative level of individual cuticle to do to adjust the pressure at different speeds.

1. Ultrasonic beauty; time 10-20 minutes

Using ultrasound and nanotechnology, to 1.65 million times per second shock to intense friction between molecules, this vibration can penetrate the skin 3-7cm, deep temperature, cellular metabolism, accelerate microcirculation, facilitate metabolism back . Ions flow through the conversion, cell membrane permeability enhancement, semi-permeable membrane to produce micro-cellular protoplasmic streaming, so that fatty acids into carbon dioxide and water, alienation, reduced the size of fat cells, in conjunction with certain creams, cosmetic effect is very


2. Ice; time 5 minutes

To comfort, calm and just after the finish and ultrasonic dermabrasion skin irritation, not only can immediately stop the inflammation of the message so that the skin can also strengthen the skin recovery speed.


3. Diamond dermabrasion instrument works

Diamond dermabrasion instrument is the use of patented diamond miniature tube, top inlaid with different degrees of thickness of fine diamond particles, by rubbing back and forth the way, and with vacuum suction control suction strength will wear off the shallow layer of the epidermis, is a kind of Non-invasive, physical, shallow dermabrasion. This kind of purely physical and mechanical principles, as opposed to acid skin by way of removing horny substances have the advantage of mild non-irritating to the skin, suitable for very sensitive skin. Through the suction pipe size from miniature to control the depth of granularity, less irritating, you do so is not easy to take care of the wound problems are not easy to have pigmentation or redness of skin problems, and the operation will not have crystal particles flying, residual Problem, the whole process is very clean, very safe.


4. Advantages of diamond miniature instrument

1. Conditioning skin and rebuild healthy skin;

2. to improve the accumulation of aging skin, rough and aging skin;

3. To improve the skin appearance of fine lines and relaxation;

4. Dilute the superficial stain;

5. To improve large pores, pock

6. To stimulate blood circulation and metabolism of the new array

7. no irritation, no irritation, do not need anesthesia;

8. Applicable to all kinds of skin, and also can do sensitive skin

9. the physical mechanical dermabrasion, we can control, no side effects, safe and reliable

10. You can see the effect immediately

11. Rapid recovery, a period of about 5-7 days

12. After nursing ,it wont effect the work andsocial work.


5. Instrument Operation:

1. The diamond miniature tube connection into the appropriate host interface;

2. Connected to the power, press the control panel "POWER" button, the corresponding indicator light, and the system power, the instrument enters the work state.

3. Press the "DIAMOND DERMIC" zone "ON" button, the corresponding indicator light, on behalf of miniature diamonds start function.

4. To have "INYENSITY" knob controls the pressure of the diamond miniature instrument, to the right pressure enhancement (contrast reduction), barometer pressure on the size of the display.

5. To have "TIME" miniature diamond district and set the time required for operation, press accordingto growth in time,pressto reduced time.

6. Diamond dermabrasion cosmetic operation is complete, press the "OFF" button to close the diamond dermabrasion function.


6. Functional analysis of the diamond dermabrasion

l  Role of diamond dermabrasion toactivation in the dermis, repair, regeneration

1. removal of the aging dead skin cells, to avoid excessive accumulation of skin cells, keeps skin smooth and delicate;

2. Promote blood and lymph circulation, moisture and nutrients more rapidly transmitted to increase the bright and shiny;

3. Moisturizing repair function: increase in cell permeability, enhance product absorption, improve skin moisture and moisture;

4. Promote the regeneration of epidermal basal cells, accelerate skin renewal, the skin returned to normal, allowed to transfer water capacity balance.

lon the loose, wrinkled skin treatment occurred

1. Accelerate the clearing of the skin surface, easy to damage the cells of the dust pollutants, free radicals, and enhance the natural defense cells to avoid the degeneration of collagen fibers

2. Improve blood and lymphatic circulation, promote metabolism, so that the dermis layer of adequate nutrition, so fine lines gradually disappear.

3. increase skin permeability, make the product more effectively into the deep, and promote new collagen fibers, smooth wrinkles.

4. Promote the manufacture of collagen fibroblast collagen fibers and increase the defense capability of skin to prevent damage by free radicals and the environment

l  on the dull, uneven skin color, the processing occurs

1. remove the old dead skin cells, to avoid the accumulation of dead cells to keep skin clear and detailed.

2. to improve the blood and lymph circulation, promote metabolism, increase skin oxygen content, making the skin red.

3. Increase the cell permeability and enhance absorption of the main products, thermal insulation and moisture to improve skin and leaves skin bright and shiny.

4. Promote the regeneration of epidermal basal cells, accelerate skin renewal, showing a uniform, the new soft white color.

l  On the treatment of pigmented skin

1. Accelerate the removal of melanin in the epidermal keratinocytes and residue on the skin easily lead to cell damage and lipid peroxidation of environmental pollution substances such as embryo cream can be added quickly melanin spots.

2. Improve skin microcirculation, promote the metabolism of melanin, to strengthen the deep whitening, reduction of melanin, faster and more pronounced effect to fade away.

3. to increase skin permeability, so that cells absorb the depth of whitening products, effectively inhibit the formation of melanin to prevent pigmentation on the face.

4. Promote epidermal basal cell regeneration, and increase the skin immune system, strengthen the fight against ultraviolet rays, keeping the skin clean, white and bright.

l Treatment effect

1. Cavity effect 5-10 times 80%-100%

2. Effect of pores 90%

3. Closed of acne 2 effects 100%

4. Seborrheic dermatitis effect of 100% 3-5 times

5. Rough skin effect 100% 1-2

6. Fiber lumps effect of 100% 2-3 times

7. Nasolabial folds, forehead wrinkles, as thecase effect of 80%-100%

8. Raised age spots,  as the case 80% -100%effectiveness

9. small-wrinkle effects of rosacea, as thecase 80%-100%

10. Compaction effect of lift 1-10 times 80%-100%

11. Pock scars 3-5 times and 90%effect

7. Precautions after treatment

1. Often use ice or the use of living cells to do repair or stabilization of collagen products

2. be sure to take sunscreen.

3. For more information on the makeup, please use the pure mineral powder, in order to avoid crowding.

4. Please wash your face with cold water.

5. Do not wash the course of three days after the 10-5 contact with the heat source can be warm.

6. deep scar treatment will be itching 2-3 days after the peeling, do not scratch or tear the skin.

7. for personal skin condition, vitality and depth of treatment site about interval of 1-3 weeks to different treatment.

Ultrasonic Beauty

1. Ultrasonic beauty features

1. Thin face, thin

1) The number of the body the number of fat cells is mainly determined by genetic factors. After the first year, the number of fat cells in a constant stage, no longer increase, but grew up with the continuous development of the human body, the original size of fat cells increase accordingly, if eating more, exercise less, energy consumption, the Excess fat storage will increase the size of fat cells.

2) It acts on adipose tissue, fat cells can cause the high-speed movement, friction between the cells produce severe thermal effects. Subcutaneous tissue temperature 0.5-1 . so that the fat increase he permeability of the membrane, causing ion conversion, fat cell contents (mainly triglycerides, fatty acids) can be precipitated cells. Under the instrument of alienation broken down into carbon dioxide, water, ATP, reduced the volume of fat cells, to face-lift weight-loss results.

3) For fat-based fat face, remove the excess fat and repair a beautiful facial contours.

2. Get rid of wrinkles

1) The elasticity of the skin elastic fibers and elastic hardening depend on proteins to maintain, once the elastic fiber aging, relaxation, elastin protein hardening, will form wrinkles, fine wrinkles formed first, if not care, nursing care, will further fracture the elastic fibers , true to form irreversible wrinkles.

2) The instrument restore the elasticity of elastic fibers, elastic softening of the hard protein, thereby eliminating wrinkles, skin elasticity.

3. white, tender

1) The base layer of the epidermis cells are generated gradually goes up, eventually pushed to the stratum corneum and off, this is a skin renewal cycle, the normal 28 days, with increasing age, decreased body physiological function, cell metabolism Slow, the skin renewal cycle will be extended, become loose arrangement of epidermal cells, skin surface roughness, the lack of luster, while decreased skin elasticity, sagging under the force of gravity will lead to facial skin sagging.

2) Ultrasonic beauty accelerated metabolism of epidermal cells can restore the normal update rate, promote aging, irregular variation of cell loss, softening skin, the epidermal cells rearrange close, and restore the skin's elasticity, so that the skin back to compact , smooth and delicate.

3) promoted dermis blood circulation venous metabolites accelerated lymphatic return accelerated will deposition toxins skin exclusion while arterial carry supply epidermis fully nutrition can thoroughly improve complexion, skin, Elimination of dull, white skin.

4) Qualitative dilute pigmentation of skin, melasma, stretch marks

5) The elimination of eye bags and dark circles

6) To promote the permeability of skin and beauty products to the skin into the deep.

External voltage: 110/120-220/240V

Internal voltage:  <=36V

Electric current: 3.3A

Power: <=120W

Ultrasonic output: 0.03-0.5MHZ

Single pump pressure flows: 14L/min

GW: 10.5KG


Packing specification: 47.5*43.5*36cm

Material: ABS plastic

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