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Presotherapy lymphatic drainage massager

Update: 2014/4/22      View:
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Introduction and function 

This machine adopts microcomputer control, easy to operate, not only for the beauty salon for a special diet and detox, but also suitable for dizziness, headache, neurasthenia, high blood cholesterol, waist, leg pain due to the nervous system, blood system, digestive system and secretion disorders, as well as variety of causes constipation due to mental stress and full psychosis and menopause comprehensive, achieving prevention and health functions, which is a multi-purpose functional excellence machine , to relieve the pressure of hunman, a good healthsecurity, family, and a must-new darling. Carefully before using this product, read the instruction manual and the correct use of the operation.

 (1) It plays a role for the internal circulatory system in the human body : it is mainly directed against the body's internal circulation system. Internal circulatory system including: blood circulation, lymphatic circulatory system and tissue fluid, etc. Spacesuit through tightly tied to the customer abdominal, thigh, calf at the air bag, 16 seconds of each cycle for doing cycle-inflated, deflated, prompted acceleration cycle of the internal circulatory system in the human body. The body will produce the following effects:

1. Lymph drainage blood circulation system: promote blood circulation, especially can promote capillary blood circulation, accelerate blood circulation system, lymphatic system, tissue fluid circulation and exchange, better able to eliminate waste and toxin in the blood, consume and eliminate blood fat cells that adherent to the vascular wall, have very good prevention and health care function for atherosclerosis and high blood fat. Due to the blood circulation stagnant and lack of oxygen from blood, cause dizziness, headache, limbs cold, varicose veins, etc symptom, have better ease effect on them, can make whole blood circulation system fully purification.

2. Lymphatic system: lymphatic system has manufactured lymphocytes filter foreign objects swallowed toxins and produce antibodies roles, and hematopoietic and immune function. It is one of the human epidemic prevention system. Regular under pressure to accelerate the lymph reflux, stimulate the lymphatic vessels. Generating a large number of lymphocytes, accelerate the flow of the lymph and blood, tissue fluid and exchange, the nutrients will be back to the blood in the tissue fluid phagocytic toxin. Excess nutrients in the blood and tissue fluid, and the dissociated fatty be rapidly consumed and decomposition.

3. Tissue fluid: States to strengthen the tissue fluid circulation, better able to the blood supply of nutrients, concentrated a lot of waste, toxins, free state fat for lymphocytes swallowed. Its waste, toxins and excess water, after will be excreted by the metabolic system.Therefore, for against the edematous tissue cellular obese have significantly improved.

(2)Enhanced role in human metabolism: the whole within the circulatory system of the human body activity and body fluids purification, obviously increase metabolism. Meanwhile, in the rhythm of the pressure and vibration massage effect, the size of peristalsis accelerated digestive also become very active, so that excess nutrients and free state of fat, the body of excess moisture, metabolic waste, etc., through the urine smooth excreted. Therefore, a variety of causes constipation and to treat internal obese (such as spilled beer belly).

(3)The role of subcutaneous adipose tissue and muscle tissue: the machine application of traditional Chinese medicine principle, massage tied up parts of the rhythm, so that the muscle tissue to generate static aerobic consumption, break down fat and muscle were mixed and. Its unique high frequency vibrator, as needed affixed to the air bag on the abdomen, thighs, calves, by five thousand revolutions per minute standard vibration frequency, fatigue, muscle relaxation. Inflated state when the application site, which produces a powerful resonance force directly to the subcutaneous fat deep subcutaneous fat quickly loose, decomposition, also have separate handheld oscillator with prominent colloidal massage neck, soles of the feet and other parts, the elimination of body various parts of the aches, fatigue good. Conditioning of the body's internal and external treatment by the aircraft, so slimming, detoxification, health integration, both inside and outside primary care after people filled with energy, no weariness, is the best choice for healthy weight loss.

Key switch instruction   

1)Power switchPOWERMain power switch on the control panel.

2)Start/Stop button: Control the machine to start and stop.

3)Timer display: Machine set working hours; adjust the time according to the user's need; the system default time is 45 minutes.

4)Time increasing button: The time will increase one minute by each pressing, the highest is 60 minutes.

5)Time reducing button: The time will reduce one minute by each pressing.

7) Modes of air inflation: Divide into P1\P2\P3 modes.

P1 modeDefault inflatable mode. Inflating from both ends to middle.  

Machine will be inflated from feet (inflatable output 1) and hand (inflatable output 8) untill to the abdomen (inflatable output 4 ) and thigh (inflatable output 5).

Example: (Simultaneously inflated )output 1 & 8 output 2 & 7 output 3 & 6output 4 & 5, sequentially cycle work.

Inflation time of each part is based on the inflatable intensity by 1, 2, 3, 4 modes.

P2 modeDefault inflatable mode. Inflating from both ends to middle.  

Machine will be inflated from abdomen (inflatable output 4 & 5 ) to both ends (inflatable output 1 & 8 ).

Example: (Simultaneously inflated ) output 4 & 5 output 3 & 6 output 2 & 7output 1& 8, sequentially cycle work. Using P1 and P2 mode has two different massage effect.

Inflation time of each part is based on the inflatable intensity by 1, 2, 3, 4 modes.

P3 modeSelectable modes, can be selected whole body inflated, or partial inflated. Select whole body inflatable, respectively press 1 to 8 inflatable parts buttons, 8 corresponding LED indicators will light up. The partial inflatable selected, press the specified parts buttons, inflatable parts indicator will light up.

8) Infrared hot switch button: Light on, infrared starys heating. Light off,  Infrared heating shuts down.

9) Infrared hot level adjustment button: divide into H, M, L modes.

10)Air inflation output: divide into 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 outputs.

When these parts lights up, indicates that the part is being inflated. When the light is off, indicates that the part is to stop inflation.

11) Air inflation outputs: from right to left, from 1 to 4, in turn order.

12) Air inflation outputs: from right to left, from 5 to 8, in turn order. 

Instrument operation instruction

Inflatable tubes and heating connecting cables in the correct method to connect to the host, plug in the power, press power switch behind, then the instrument enters standby state. Then press the power switch on the instrument panel, will instrument enters into the working state, the default time is 45minutes (time can be adjusted freely MSB 60 minutes, generally recommended to use the default time of 45 minutes).

1. The machine is divided into a fully automatic operation (depending on the default program mode set by the instrument) and manual operation (depending on the mode selected by the user). Automatic mode and manual mode is to be distinguished by the following operations:

1) Automatic mode: When the instrument starts, press Start/Stop buttondirectly,  the system will start into the automatic operation by default.Automatic mode, the instrument from P1-P3 transforms a working model by every 15 minutes.  At this time, the instrument starts working 15 minutes from P1 mode, inflated from both ends toward middle. After 15 minutes, the instrument automatically transforms to P2 mode, inflatable from middle toward both ends. After another 15 minutes, automatically transforms to P3 mode, now the default is whole body inflation, individually inflated from 1 to 8 inflatable parts, then inflated all together by 1 to 8 parts.  When P3 mode,  if the user needs to selectively inflate, press the Start/Stop button, all the display lights of inflatable parts light up, as long as users press the button corresponding inflated parts you don’t need, the lights will turn off, indicates the site is to stop inflation. 

2) Manual mode: Instrument starts up, firstly select the inflated mode (P1 \ P2 \ P3), and then start Start/Stop button, the system enters to the manual mode. Manual mode, the instrument will be carried out according to the mode selected by the user.

2. Start the heating function, first press the the INFRARED switch button, the INFRARED switch indicator lights up, indicate that the heating function is activated. The infrared heating is divided into L \ M \ H three modes, users simply press INTENSITY  (heating power adjustment buttons) can choose three modes infrared heat L \ M \ H (low, medium, high).


1.   Safety, because we use 36V safety voltage for the machine.

2.  Our abdominal packages use advanced ultrasonic welding technology, to ensure that each airbag tight suture.

3.   Large digital tube synchronously act on each mode of operation, the operation is simple, convenient and clear control. The digital technology, timing, orientation, positioning, constant pressure to do light, heavy, fast, slow humanized selection modes.

4.  24 groups chambers close to body parts, achiving double effivacy in the process. Local or systemic use, single people or double use, can be operated simultaneously.

5. The air suit made up from special material can be done more reasonable and convenient, and durable cleaning.

Working principle

The lymphatic detoxification slimming machine is known as the human body "scavenger", mainly within the circulatory system of the human body. The inner recycle including: the blood circulatory system, the lymphatic circulatory system and tissue fluid, etc. The air inflation by the air bag tie customers’ abdomen, arms, legs lymphatic at inflated circulation to a certain period of time and deflated, prompting within the circulatory system to speed up the cycle in the human body, in order to achieve detoxification slimming, endocrine regulation.

Air pressure lymphatic drainage lossing weight is to promote the normal flow of lymph through the instrument, and waste from the body, which is different from the last patch vibration of the instrument it is with the airbag pressure and surface fat movement. Beauticians use basic techniques, plus the instrument the help of specialized lymphatic drainage, circulation, massage, rotation, traction accelerate lymphatic circulation and excretion, so that kept clear to facilitate the removal of waste. Gas wave-style soft natural air massage will not cause any harm and bad feelings at the same time the the airbags one-sided pressure equivalent to 50kg weight, acting on the abdomen 30 minutes is equivalent to 150 sit-ups exercise.

Function characteristics

1. Body sculpting, weight loss, decomposition and eliminate stubborn fat.
2. Pneumatic detoxification, eliminate fatigue, relieve stress and muscle pain.
3. Promote blood circulation, improve metabolism.
4. Improve the systemic lymphatic system and the organization of loose skin.

Physical therapy effect

1. Improve the shoulder, cervical and lumbar spine.
2. Enhanced cell potential film and to improve and slow organ aging (such as: kidney, gastrointestinal disorders)
3. Breast massage: treatment of lobular hyperplasia.
4. Eliminate constipation.
5. Slim (to improve local obesity).

            Precautions 1

During the operation, in addition to the available intensity adjustment key to adjust the level of the pressure, but also, depending on the parts of the body is exposed to pressure, appropriately adjusting the tightness of the parts of the air bag to adjust the size of the pressure. Against the abdomen care should be aimed at the abdomen, so that the abdomen airbagthe bag inflatable parts are the abdomen, and the air bag down as far as possible, snapping abdominal position, to prevent the air bag from direct compression of the heart, causing discomfort to the customer. Customers need a back massage care, inflatable parts are on the waist. The thigh airbags should be up close to the thigh, to stimulate the abdominal muscles sulcus lymph.

Precautions 2

1. Customers must remove all metal objects before operating. Pressure energy regulation level and clothes size freely adjusted the size of the actual situation according to guests
2. Discomfort in body and pregnant women customers are not recommended to use this machine. Customer within one hour after meal, you can not use the machine for care
3. After using, should be in accordance with the program to turn off the power, unplug the the air ducts plug, remove air ducts, remove various parts of the airbag, do not be too ruld unfolding and belongs accessories properly kept in accordance with the requirements. Disinfect and clean clothes and machine.

Voltage: 110V/120V-220V/240V

Frequency: 50 Hz - 60Hz 

Power: ≤300W

Safe voltage output36V

Heat output30-65
Material: ABS


Packing size83*51*31cm

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